Monday, August 11, 2008

A Little Bit of Everything

I too seem to be a little behind in my posting duties. However, I was on vacation from work last week, and just didn't feel like touching a computer. No, we didn't go anywhere, I just needed some time away and Andy couldn't get the time off anyway. So, what did I do on my vacation? Absolutely, pretty much, nothing. The kids had dr appointments on Monday. I cleaned closets and dressers on Tuesday (I'm still not done), and went clothes shopping on Thursday. I'm not big into shopping, about once every six months is plenty for me.

I did do one thing important thing though. I attended a hunter's safety class and got my certification so I can rifle hunt this year! I'm ure some of you are suprised, but yes, hunting has become a sport for me. Andy has bow and rifle hunted since he was young, and apparently he has influenced me and gotten me into it. Last year, he suprised me with a rifle (a 243) which is great. It has very little kick and I shoot it better than he does. I was able to hunt as an apprentice hunter last year. These were the results. If you don't like pictures of dead deer, I would suggest you skip right by it.

Andy and I sat together one night. This was my third time sitting and I decided to go for the Doe that came out because this was pretty much my last chance. So, I took my shot and she ran off into the woods. We decided to wait it out in the blind until it got dark, but about 15 minutes later that beautiful buck came in. Now, my wonderful husband did offer me the shot, however, I have a booster seat I have to sit on because his window in his blind is too high for me, and I had already removed it. So, I told him to go for it. He dropped him right there. We searched about two hours for mine and finally found it.

All in all, I'm very excited to have gotten my hunter's safety certificate. It will definitely get good use this year.

On the agenda this week, work. Pretty much. Loretta is scheduled to have her baby by c-section on Thursday morning, so I will probably come into work a little late. I'll make sure I post pictures for you all to see. I'm also taking Friday off. Andy and I are going away without the children. We're going to Sutton's Bay to visit our friends and have a grand time. I'm sure I'll have pictures from that as well.

Well, have a great week everyone!


carriegel said...

wow, i wouldn't have guessed you like hunting. who knew?

have fun up north. wish i was going too.

jporterGOP said...

i've always wanted to shoot a .243, i've heard good things about them. i have a 7mm Mag, but it's a little too much gun for the lower peninsula.

Anonymous said...

Learn something new every day. I'd like the peacefulness of sitting in the woods, but I certainly don't want to shoot anything.