Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday Baking

Well, today was the day for baking in our house. I had a few bananas that were too far gone to do anything with but bake and Andy pulled the first zuchini of the year from the garden. In our house that means its time to make bread.

So Andy and Anna started out with the zuchini bread.
Then Anna helped me out with banana cake.

And here is the finished product for both.

For the frosting on the banana cake I just kind of drizzled it on instead of completely frosting it. There were two loaves of zuchini bread, but the other is half gone already. We'll be sampling the cake later this evening. But as always, the zuchini bread gets five stars. We have lots more zuchini in the garden, so I'll be sharing a few recipes that can be done with zuchini. I have to admit though, that none of it is really all that great for you.

Hope you all had a great weekend.


carriegel said...

ahhh, i loved seeing the pictures!

and the bread and cake looked good. i am going to have to start posting my baking experiments. i have so many i want to try that i don't even know where to start.

megawatt miler said...

i made banana bread this weekend too for the same reason!

Unknown said...

Mmmm banana cake and banana bread, some of my favorites.